Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog Assignment 2

Two Children at a computer with mouths open and hands on cheeks

Did You Know?

I think a common occurring theme in this video is the question what will our society look like years from now since technology seems to be shaping and reshaping it so rapidly in the present. In addition to that theme it starts to pour in other information such as the birth rates around the world, job statistics, and the fact that computers will be smarter than us in the near future.
When I watch a video like this with such an overwhelming, vast array of quick information, I try to remind myself most big problems in life get solved in small steps, and not all at once. Some times when things seem to be going too fast and out of control, the best thing we can do to make sense of it all is to slow down and spend some intentional time solving the problem.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

Wow, what can you say. I am very impressed with the video. I like the fact that the video is able to get to the heart of its meaning very quickly and very directly. I don't think any of us could miss the message, our education system needs to embrace learning with computers.
I agree with the message. I know our younger generations love computers. It only makes sense to utilize such a valuable tool to capture the love of learning at an early age. How could any of us be against using something that will only make our job of teaching easier?

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

I am a newly declared Education Major and I cannot believe how I have learned in such a small amount of time that so many educated people believe teaching in it's present form is outdated. My son is in the sixth grade and as an informed parent, this is not a topic that we would ever hear about. After watching this video, it all makes so much sense: The value of a good education has always been the fact it will prepare you to be a productive, income earning citizen.

The educational system will prepare their students for their future better when they can "learn" to be more diverse in their teaching and especially their teaching methods. My goal as a future teacher will be to teach the same idea in a visual, physical and audible learning environment so that all children will have an equal opportunity to learn and express their wonderful selves!

Cecelia Gault (Young Student in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson

As future educators, we can do our best to make sure all children feel they are strong learners by encouraging their creativity in all of their studies. We can be avid supporters of the arts and sciences in our schools. We can enlist volunteers from the community when the funds run short to help support the programs that the schools are forced to cut due to the budget.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I love this lady. She is so humble. I have always seen humility as a sign of strength. After all, are we really telling anyone shocking news when we admit we do not know everything? Of course not! That's why I love the EDM Motto, " I don't know. Let's find out." It gives me permission to relax, and to enjoy the experience. In this class, I realize quickly that I will succeed, after all, I have a whole team behind me. I would guess the student's in Ms. Davis's class feel the same way.

Group learning is such a breath of fresh air after sitting quietly in a chair all day listening to a class lecture from a professor. Not that lectures are all bad, we just do not necessarily associate them with fun! Hat's off to Ms. Davis who is not afraid to explore and show all of us new learning and teaching methods!

1 comment:

  1. You did well on this post. Since you have a son, you have and know experiences that some of us education majors haven't experienced or thought of next. That is good that you have that knowledge base and know what track you are on!
